Loren Holmes Photo, AK Dispatch
The U.S. Department of Justice will hold consultations to discuss with Tribal leaders whether the DOJ should recommend to Congress new legislation that would require any state or local election administrator whose territory includes an Alaska Native village or Indian reservation to locate at least one polling place in a venue selected by each tribal government. The schedule will be announced within the next 30 days.
“AFN looks forward to participating and encourages all Alaska Natives to participate and submit their views,” said Julie Kitka, AFN President.
In his June 9th announcement, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder stated, “At every level of our nation’s Department of Justice, my colleagues and I are firmly committed to protecting the voting rights of every eligible American. Unfortunately, when it comes to exercising this fundamental right, many individuals and communities face significant obstacles. And this is particularly true among American Indian and Alaska Native populations. As Attorney General, I support taking whatever steps are necessary to guarantee that voters have access to polling places on Indian reservations and in Alaska Native villages.”