Who We Are
The Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) is the largest statewide Native organization in Alaska. Its membership includes 177 federally recognized tribes, 154 village corporations, 9 regional corporations, and 9 regional nonprofit and tribal consortiums that contract and compact to run federal and state programs. AFN is governed by a 38-member board, which is elected by its membership at the annual convention held each October. Learn more about AFN's history here.
Our Mission
Alaska Native people began as members of full sovereign nations and continue to enjoy a unique political relationship with the federal government. We will survive and prosper as distinct ethnic and cultural groups and will participate fully as members of the overall society. AFN’s mission is to enhance and promote the cultural, economic and political voice of the entire Alaska Native community. Our major goals are to:
- Advocate for Alaska Native people, their governments and organizations, with respect to federal, state and local laws;
- Foster and encourage preservation of Alaska Native cultures;
- Promote understanding of the economic needs of Alaska Natives and encourage development consistent with those needs;
- Protect, retain and enhance all lands owned by Alaska Natives and their organizations; and
- Promote and advocate for programs and systems which instill pride and confidence in individual Alaska Natives.
Board of Directors
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AFN Staff
Benjamin Mallott, President
Nicole James, Executive Assistant/Board Secretary
Toan Nguyen, Staff Accountant
Nikki Stoops, Director of Development and Communications
Nicole Espe, Special Assistant to the President
Geoff Toy, Staff Attorney
Kendra Kloster, Director of Government Affairs