On Friday, May 3, the Alaska House Resources Committee will be taking public testimony on House Joint Resolution 22 (HJR 22). HJR 22, introduced on February 20, 2024, proposes an amendment to the Alaska State Constitution relating to subsistence. The bill was introduced by Rep. Thomas Baker (R-District 40). On April 26, 2024, an amended version of HJR 22 was introduced. Through HJR 22, the State of Alaska is attempting to regain State management authority over fish and wildlife on federal public lands.
Alaska House Resources will hold a public testimony session on Friday, May 3. AFN strongly encourages our members and community participation to ensure our perspectives are accurately represented and advocated on this critical issue.
It has been many years since a subsistence constitutional amendment has been considered. HJR 22 was dropped with limited notice to the Alaska Native community. The last time there was a bill to amend the Alaska Constitution regarding subsistence was in 2000. In the 1990s, several bills were introduced in the state legislature to amend the Alaska Constitution. None of the bills passed. However, one bill in 1990 came close to passing and failed by one singular vote on the Senate side.
The legislative process for HJR 22 has shown significant gaps in consultation with affected communities, as noted in AFN President Kitka’s testimony in March. AFN strongly advocates for a fair and informed decision-making process. It is imperative that both state and federal levels engage in a comprehensive dialogue with rural residents and Alaska Natives to understand the real impact of proposed changes and what a potential unified management structure would need to be structured to ensure our Alaska Native custom and traditional subsistence rights and use are protected.
On March 20, 2024, AFN President Julie Kitka, AFN Subsistence Committee Chair Gayla Hoseth, and Dr. Rosita Worl, a member of the AFN Subsistence Committee, testified in House Resources on HJR 22. You can watch this hearing by clicking HERE. AFN’s testimony starts at the 1 hour and 40 minute mark into the hearing. AFN President Kitka raised the following points in her testimony, which AFN encourages you to consider as you formulate your thoughts and decisions on this issue.
- AFN encourages the State Legislature to take its time and conduct a fact-finding effort to learn more about Alaska Native subsistence rights and use.
- HJR 22 has no direct mention of Alaska Native peoples in the amendment. AFN does not believe subsistence should be entirely a food security priority but be based on the cultural and traditional needs of Alaska Native communities.
- AFN urges the State Legislature to repeal state statutes of non-subsistence use areas.
- AFN urges the State of Alaska to define what an ideal unified system looks like.
- AFN requests that the State of Alaska and the Legislature be transparent about any proposed ANILCA amendments related to HJR 22.
How to participate in the Alaska House Resources Committee public testimony opportunity:
The hearing starts at 1:00 pm on Friday, May 3, 2024. You can participate in person at the House Resources Committee (Room 124) in the Alaska State Capital. To participate telephonically, you can contact your local Legislative Information Office (LIO) and ask to testify in the public hearing on HJR 22 in House Resources Committee. Click HERE to find the number and location of your location LIO. AFN encourages you to contact your local LIO early to reserve a spot in the lineup.
Looking to the future, there are only a few days left in this State Legislative session, and unlikely that HJR 22 will pass. AFN looks forward to discussing this issue at the 2024 Annual AFN Convention and during the next Alaska Legislative session in 2025.
For more information, please email [email protected].